Details & contacts

Registrations are closed. For any changes please contact the Conference information desk in Hotel Lone.


Accommodation is reserved in Hotel Lone and Hotel Eden, Rovinj:

Hotel Lone and Hotel Eden are fully booked.

Accommodation is available at Hotel Monte Mulini (5 stars). Hotel Monte Mulini is  located within walking distance from Hotel Lone.

Room rates:

Hotel Monte Mulini:

  • Single room per day: EUR 150,00
  • Double room per day / per person: EUR 97,00

VAT and city tax are included in the rates. Prices in EUR are approximate and will be based on the middle exchange rate of the Croatian National Bank.

Conference and social events will take place in Hotel Lone, Rovinj.

Registration fee

Regular Fee*: HRK 2.800,00 / EUR 364,73 (VAT included)

The fee covers all training materials, all meals and all social events. The registration fee does not include hotel expenses or travel expenses. Prices in EUR are approximate and will be based on the middle exchange rate of the Croatian National Bank.

Payment information

Accommodation and registration fee will be charged according to the information listed in the electronic registration form.

On receipt of registration, your participation will be confirmed by an automatic reply.

Payment options are included in the electronic registration form. Payment may be done by bank transfer or credit card charge.

Payment by bank transfer should be paid in accordance to date stated on the offer.

All additional costs (minibar, telephone, laundry etc.) are the responsibility of the individual and should be settled directly with the hotel prior to departure.

Cancellation Policy

Accommodation cancellation policy:

  • Accommodation cancellation before September 15th 2014: no charges.
  • Accommodation cancellation from September 15th 2014 until October 3rd 2014: cancellation fee of 100% of the first night will be charged.
  • Accommodation cancellation from October 3rd 2014, including early departure, no-show or no-show: cancellation fee 100 % of reserved accommodation.

Registration fee cancellation policy:

  • Registration cancellation before September 15th 2014: no charges.
  • Registration cancellation from September 15th 2014 until October 3rd 2014: Organizer will refund 80% of the cost of the registration fee minus administrative costs in the amount of HRK 100.00/ EUR 13.03* per participant.

Any cancellation or changes must be notified in writing to the Organizer in official written notice via letter, fax or e-mail listed on the Details and Contacts.

Refund will be granted according to the cancellation dates. No refund will be granted after October 3rd 2014 or in case of early departure, late arrival or no-show. It is possible to send a substitute participant by sending written notice till October 14th 2014 to the contacts listed on the Details and Contacts, with the consent of the Organizer.

If no payment has been received by October 15th 2014, participation in the Conference will not be possible. Any refunds will be made following the Conference.

*The registration fee and accommodation prices are subject to change due to exchange rate fluctuations.


Please submit your registration through the electronic registration form.

On receipt of registration, your participation will be confirmed by an automatic reply. Your participation will be confirmed once payment has been cleared.


If you have further questions or need additional information, please contact the technical organizer, GLOBTOUR EVENT:

Trg Nikole Šubića Zrinskog 1/l, Zagreb Croatia
Phone number: +385 1 488 1100
FAX: +385 1 481 22 77