Vedran Antoljak Vedran je glavni partner Sense Consultinga, najveće hrvatske tvrtke za poslovno savjetovanje prema Financial Timesu. U razdoblju od preko 20 godina, Vedran je samostalno razvijao, vodio ili sudjelovao u projektima globalnih i regionalnih korporacija, međunarodnih institucija, Vlada, te nizu poduzetničkih poduhvata. Tijekom svoje karijere, Vedran je uspješno razvio i prodao vlastitu tvrtku za savjetovanje u ICT sektoru u Austriji; bio je viši savjetnik u globalno vodećoj tvrtki za strateško savjetovanje; četiri godine je vodio hrvatski ured Međunarodne financijske korporacije (IFC); te je pet godina radio kao regionalni stručnjak Svjetske banke za razvoj privatnog sektora. Od 2007. je suosnivač i glavni partner Sense Consultinga. Gospodin Antoljak posjeduje širok spektar vještina i iskustava menadžment konzaltinga koje je prikupio radeći sa brzorastućim Startupovima, vodeći složene projekte privatnih korporacija te dizajnirajući i provodeći reforme regulatornog okruženja u 18 država. Vedranov poslovni fokus je područje korporativnog menedžmenta, Design Thinkinga, upravljanja inovacijama, razvoj inovativnih poslovnih modela i alata; organizacijsko restrukturiranje, strategija i poslovno planiranje, automatizacija poslovnih procesa i digitalizacija poslovanja. Vedran Antoljak se obrazovao u Zagrebu, Austriji, Sloveniji, i SAD. Diplomirao je vanjsku trgovinu na Ekonomskom Institutu u Gracu, a magistrirao poslovno upravljanje sveučilišta Karl-Franzens u Gracu, te se kontinuirano usavršava (npr. Harvard, IMD). Vedran je autor niza analiza i studija, te većeg broja stručnih članaka; predavač je na najvećem hrvatskom privatnom sveučilištu VERN; podpredsjednik je Hrvatsku Udruge Poslovnih Savjetnika, te suosnivač Hrvatskoj Instituta za Izučavanje Budućnosti (Foresight Institute). Vedran je oženjen i otac dvoje djece. |
Zoran Anusic Since January 1998 Zoran Anusic has been working as Senior Economist at the World Bank on pension reforms in Croatia, Russian Federation, Serbia, Slovak Republic, Montenegro, Ukraine, Armenia, Belarus, Moldova, Azerbaijan, Bosnia and Herzegovina, and other countries. In 1998 and 1999 Zoran Anusic was seconded to the Government of Croatia as a coordinator of the Committee for Pension Reform of the Government of Croatia. In 2001 and 2002 he served as Advisor to the Croatian Deputy Prime Minister for pension reform implementation. Prior to engagement in the World Bank, Zoran Anusic held posts of a Research Fellow and Research Assistant at Institute of Economics Zagreb (1986-1995), Assistant Minister of Finance for Macroeconomic Analysis and Forecasts (1995-1997), Economic Advisor to the Prime Minister (1997), and Member of the Board of InvestmentBank Austria in Croatia. During his career he published one book, some 30 journal articles and participated in several scientific projects of macroeconomic orientation and econometric modeling. Zoran Anusic graduated from the University of Zagreb, and earned his Masters’ degree from the Florida State University. |
Uto Baader Baader Bank AG, Founder & Consultant Uto Baader (born 1944) was the founder and Chairman of Baader Bank AG’s Executive Board until July 2015 and head of the organization for a total of 32 years. In 1983 Uto Baader became an authorised stockbroker on the Bavarian Stock Exchange in Munich, where he began trading in international equities. Before starting his career as a stockbroker, he was head of the International Equities Trading section at Bayerische Landesbank in Munich, where he worked for 13 years. Four years later, following his initial success in Munich, he was also authorised to trade on the Baden-Württemberg Stock Exchange in Stuttgart. Uto Baader broadened the scope of his business activities in 1993, working on the flotation of a software firm. This later led to the creation of a separate division specialising in support for corporate actions such as IPOs, capital increases and takeover bids. His work as a broker gained a broader institutional footing in 1996 when Uto Baader founded Baader Wertpapier GmbH. At the same time, he acquired a majority stake in the listed company Ballmaier & Schultz Wertpapier AG in Frankfurt, joining its Executive Board. Two years later he merged the two firms, creating Baader Wertpapierhandelsbank AG and taking over the reins of the new company. After receiving a full banking licence from the German Federal Financial Supervisory Authority in July 2008, the company became Baader Bank AG, and Uto Baader became Chairman of its Executive Board. |
Damir Bičanić Damir is Head of Region (SEE) and advisor for DACH region of Funderbeam, a primary and secondary market for early-stage startup investments providing easy delivery and access of growth capital. Funderbeam is creating a new world where companies are funded and traded across borders. With a well rounded previous experience (CEO, CMO, CFO of Hypo Alpe-Adria-Leasing; Deputy Executive Director of Corporate Division in Hypo Alpe-Adria Bank; Deputy Executive Director of Investment Banking in Hypo Alpe-Adria Bank; Head of Corporate Finance in Erste Securities Zagreb; Key Account Relationship Manager in Corporate of HVB Bank Croatia (Bank Austria)), Damir has a good overview of capital markets and financial services. In his last position he managed to transform a shell leasing company to a fully functional organisation while at the same time decreasing costs and decreasing NPL ratio from 47% to less than 10%. As Deputy Executive Director Corporate Division he was responsible for management, steering, budgeting, planning, HR and execution of the relationship between companies in Croatia and Hypo Alpe-Adria-Bank d.d. In his previous position as Deputy Executive Director Investment Banking Division he was responsible for the whole investment banking business of Hypo Alpe-Adria Bank in Croatia, including brokerage, custody, corporate finance and investment funds. As Head of Corporate Finance in Erste Securities Zagreb Ltd he was responsible for M&A business which includes advisory services in mergers, acquisitions and sale of companies; advisory services in privatizations; organization and execution of takeovers and valuation of companies. In his first job at HVB Bank he was responsible for key clients of the bank as a single point of contact. The relationship comprised the whole cycle of deal origination, company and project analysis (qualitative and quantitative), screening, structuring, negotiation, execution and monitoring. He was also responsible for cross selling, financial consultancy, business and financial review of his clients. His responsibility included syndications, club deals and acquisition financing for the leading Croatian companies. |
Martin Blum, Head of Desk Strategy, Raiffeisen Bank International Martin leads RBI’s Desk Strategy which provides Emerging European strategy to the group’s institutional clients as well as supporting the development of the group’s capital markets operations. Before joining RBI, Martin founded and co-managed Ithuba Capital’s macro hedge fund, focusing on East and West European sovereign credit and local currency markets (winner of the Best Performing Macro-Discretionary Fund of the year in the 2012 UCITS Hedge Awards). Prior to this, he headed UniCredit’s Emerging Market Economic Research and Strategy Group, which regularly topped strategy rankings under his leadership. He graduated from the London School of Economics in 1996 and has been active in Emerging European markets since then. |
Kristijan Buk, predsjednik Uprave AZ d.o.o. društva za upravljanje obveznim mirovinskim fondovima. Rođen je 1972. u Rijeci. Nakon završenog Ekonomskog fakulteta, profesionalnu karijeru započinje u Croatia Line d.d. Rijeka. Prelaskom u ADRIA osiguranje d.d. Pula na mjesto financijskog direktora, stječe adekvatna znanja iz raznih područja poslovanja osiguravajućeg društva. Nakon preuzimanja ADRIA osiguranja d.d. od strane Grawe Hrvatska d.d., 2001. godine postaje voditelj Službe financija i općih poslova, a krajem 2004. godine prelazi na poziciju voditelja Odjela kontrolinga te istovremeno postaje prokurist društva. Sredinom 2005. godine prelazi u Allianz Zagreb d.d. na poziciju direktora Sektora za kontroling i upravljanje imovinom, a 2007. postaje članom Uprave za financije. U 2008. godini postaje predsjednik Nadzornog odbora Allianz ZB d.o.o društva za upravljanje dobrovoljnim mirovinskim fondovima te tu funkciju obnaša do 2015. godine. 2011. godine imenovan je voditeljem Radne skupine za solventnost i adekvatnost kapitala Solvency II, koja djeluje pri Hrvatskom uredu za osiguranje, te na poziv Ministarstva financija 2012. godine sudjeluje u izradi prijedloga Zakona o osiguranju. U travnju 2017.godine imenovan je predsjednikom Uprave AZ d.o.o., društva za upravljanje obveznim mirovinskim fondovima. |
David Doughty, CDir FIoD Named by Thomson Reuters as the UK’s top social influencer in risk, compliance and regtech in 2017, David Doughty (@DavidDoughty) is a Corporate Governance expert and business mentor who works with company directors to assist them in building their boards and ensuring they are as effective as they possibly can be. David discusses a range of topics online, from corporate governance to compliance and risk management. David is Chief Executive of Excellencia, providing Board effectiveness and Leadership development services to organisations in the private, public and voluntary sectors. He is a director of Executive Transitions Network, an organisation that supports those who are changing career or are embarking on or already have a portfolio career and he also chairs the Centre for Sustainable Healthcare which promotes triple-bottom-line sustainability in healthcare. David is the Governance Consultant for the British Small Animal Veterinary Association and is a director of Talent4Boards Inc. He writes about Corporate Governance for Board Agenda magazine and the Corporate Governance Institute and has contributed to a number of publications and web-sites. Previously he chaired the Thames Valley Health Innovation and Education Cluster (TV HIEC), a publicly funded partnership authorised by the Department of Health to improve innovation and education within the NHS across the Thames Valley and was Chief Executive of the Oxfordshire Economic Partnership (OEP) – a partnership between private, public and voluntary sectors, which was responsible for strategic economic development across Oxfordshire and ensuring that the county was a competitive sub-region, both nationally and internationally. David is an entrepreneurial sales and marketing specialist with strong analytical and commercial skills. He has extensive executive and non-executive experience in small and medium enterprises in both the private and public sectors and is also a consultant at Board level to multi-national organisations. A physicist and engineer by training, David has started and developed a number of businesses latterly in the IT sector. He was one of the first people in the country to become a Chartered Director and holds a Masters in Company Direction from Leeds Business School. |
Marko Emer, CEO - Elektronički računi d.o.o. Marko Emer, born in 1976 in Zagreb, Croatia. An entrepreneur specialized in the development of innovative and specific IT business solutions that significantly improve business processes. Started his career with the development of biometrics time and attendance software, which is apart from the Croatian market also present internationally. Business Cooperation with MAS Holdings, Sri Lanka, Civintec, China, National Assembly, Abuja, Nigeria, etc. Launches the e-invoicing project, Service "My-eInvoice" in 2013. It currently holds almost 98% of the e-invoicing market in Croatia, which is achieved through progressive sales and active education. My-eInvoice service is a market leader in Croatia with plans for the EU expansion. |
Hrvoje Galičić, Croatian Bank for Reconstruction and Development Hrvoje Galičić, B.Sc., was born on May 22, 1980 in Osijek. He obtained his respective undergraduate, graduate and postgraduate degrees in Financial Management at the University of Osijek, Faculty of Economics. Following a brief stint working in the Entrepreneurial Center of the City of Belišće, he has been employed in the Croatian Bank of Reconstruction and Development since 2005, working as Head of the regional office for Slavonija and Baranja, Assistant Director of the Credit Sector, Director of the Credit Sector and at the moment Advisor of the Management Board. In addition to banking and finance management, his additional fields of interest include SME related topics as well as EU Funds and financial instruments. |
Luka Grubišić, Associate Professor He graduated from the Faculty of Science of the University of Zagreb and obtained a PhD at FU Hagen University, Fr. Germany in 2005. He received the Friends of FU Hagen and Sparkasse Hagen Award for the Best PhD in Mathematics in 2005, and the dissertation was awarded the sum of cum laude predicate. As a teaching assistant, he has worked at University of Zagreb, FU Hagen University and was a post doc at RWTH Aachen University. Since October 2005 he has been employed as an assistant professor and since 2012 as an associate professor at the Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Science, University of Zagreb. He was the Dean of Studies of the PMF-MO in academic years 2008/09 and 2009/10. His scientific interests are in the applied and industrial mathematics with contributions in scientific computing, numerical analysis and operator theory. He has had eight invited section lectures at International conferences and more than thirty invited lectures at institutions. He also participated in numerous conferences with contributed lectures. He was a principal investigator of several research grants with industry and a principal investigator of two bilateral cooperation projects with the USA. The research project (led jointly with B. Basrak) in cooperation with Mireo d.d. resulted in I. Ugrina's doctoral thesis. He was the organizer of five international conferences (two as chairman of the organizing committee), and five mini-symposia within international conferences. He is the editor in chief of the Croatian electronic math journal math.e, which is a journal for the popularization of science, and a member of the editorial board of the scientific journal Glasnik matematički. |
Vincent Ingham Director, Regulatory Policy Vincent Ingham is Director, Regulatory Policy at EFAMA, the European Fund and Asset Management Association and responsible for coordinating the association’s work on EU and international legislative and regulatory developments of relevance for European asset management companies and investment funds. He joined EFAMA in 2009. Prior to that, Vincent Ingham worked 7 years for a Belgo-Dutch asset management company (Fortis Investments) in the Fund Structuring department. He was in charge there of the creation, approval and legal maintenance of a wide range of Belgium domiciled investment funds. Between 1996 and 2001, he worked as lawyer for two law firms based in Brussels where he specialized in financial law and company law. He holds a master degree in Law from the University of Louvain-La-Neuve (U.C.L.), Belgium. |
Darije Vladimir Josić President of the Board, Sense ESCO Darije Vladimir Josić graduated management from Schiller International University (USA, Heidelberg, Madrid). He started his career in consulting industry working for renowed companies such as ICF Consulting and Deloitte & Touche, followed by Development Alternatives Inc. where he performed the function of a Business Development Manager. In Jadran Invest, company for management of investment funds, Mr. Josić's responsibilities as President of the Board were business and financial planning and supervision of overall business operations including management, finances and legal affairs. Before his arrival to Sense ESCO, Mr. Josić was in charge of all business activities of Croatian radio-television (national TV and radio broadcaster), thus managing the annual budget of 200 million euros, where his responsibilities, amongst others, included finances, accounting, planning, analysis, and investments. Today, as President of the Board in Sense ESCO, he is in charge of designing company's development strategy and developing and contracting financial models for energy efficiency projects and energy production from renewables. Since the Company was established, Mr. Josić was responsible for raising initial equity (seed capital) and additional equity through negotiations with foreign investors, as well as issuing of bonds for local and foreign investors. |
Marian Kopecky Chairman of Association, Slovak Association of DSS’s (Ass. of all second pillar pension funds in Slovakia) |
Matti Leppälä, Secretary General/CEO, PensionsEurope PensionsEurope is the leading voice for workplace pensions in Europe representing 24 European national pension fund associations covering pensions of more than 100 million Europeans and more than € 4 trillion of assets. Matti is also the Chair of Occupational Pensions Stakeholder Group of the European Insurance and Occupational Pensions Authority EIOPA. Prior to joining PensionsEurope in 2011 Matti worked for 11 years for The Finnish Pension Alliance. Matti has a LLM and an Executive MBA in Insurance and Financial services. |
Dr. Adam Lessing, LL.M. Adam Lessing is Head of Central and Eastern Europe for Fidelity International. Fidelity International is one of the leading global asset managers with US$ 330 bn. under management and administration for European and Asian clients. Previous to joining Fidelity Adam Lessing was the London-based Head of European Business Development for Aviva Investors, the EUR 400 bn. asset manager of the British Aviva insurance group. Before then Adam Lessing held positions with AXA Investment Managers as Head of Distribution Northern Europe, with Goldman Sachs Asset Management as Executive Director, as member of the Board of ÖIG (now Pioneer Austria) as well as other companies. Adam Lessing holds a doctorate in law from the University of Vienna and a Master of Laws (LL.M.) from the University of California (Berkeley). He is a member of the board of the Association of Foreign Investment Funds in Austria (VAIÖ), a former member of the board of the Association of Austrian Investment Funds (VÖIG) as well as past deputy chairman of the European Association of Funds and Asset Managers (EFAMA). Adam Lessing has published papers on arbitration and on investment funds in various professional journals |
Nataša Marjanović, CFA Nataša Marjanović was born on December 7, 1978 in Belgrade. She graduated at the Faculty of Economy at the University of Belgrade. Started her career in 2001 in the Foreign Currency Reserve Management Unit of the National Bank of Serbia, where she quickly became the youngest main dealer/portfolio manager in the history of NBS. She was responsible for managing the securities portfolio, which is comprised of the majority of the securities reserve of the National Bank of Serbia. In August 2005, she became a manager of the Division for Liquidity Assets of Piraeus Bank j.s.c. Belgrade, where she worked on the formation and the organization of the Division for Liquidity Assets Management. She came to Generali in September 2006, as the first portfolio manger of a voluntary pension fund in Serbia. In the period of 2007-2016, she has been heading the Generali Voluntary Pension Funds Management Company as the chairwoman of the Board of Directors and the CEO of the Company. Since 2011, she had been responsible for managing funds/the capital of all companies within Generali Osiguranje Srbija (Osiguranje, Reosiguranje, and Generali Osiguranje Montenegro). Since 2012 she had been a member of the Executive Committee of Generali Osiguranje Srbija, and as of 2016, she is a member of the Executive Board of Generali Osiguranje, in charge of managing financial transaction assets. She coordinates the work, and is responsible for the Joint stock company for managing the voluntary pension fund GENERALI, Belgrade. She is the President of the Voluntary Pension Funds Group. Since 2005, she’s been a holder of the world’s most recognized licence in the area of investment decision-making, Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA) of the American CFA Institute, as well as the first portfolio manager licence issued by the Securities Commission. Parallel with her regular activities, she was an assistant at the Faculty of Economy and a lecturer at specialized courses for CFA exam preparation. |
Petar-Pierre Matek President of the Board Croatian Financial Services Supervisory Agency Graduated in Finance from the Faculty of Economics and Business at the University of Zagreb and gained the CFA and CIPM degree (CFA Institute, USA), as well as DESS ‘International Management – Finance’ at Louis Pasteur University at Strasbourg, France (postgraduate study in international finance and financial markets, master degree thesis in foreign exchange risk management). He also holds an investment advisor license (Croatian SEC) and Pension fund’s management license. Pierre started his career in 1998 at Croatian National Bank as USD fixed income portfolio manager and continued at Zagrebacka banka (UniCredit Group) as a Head of the Asset Management Department. In 2002 he became a President of the Management Board of ZB Invest mutual funds management company (Zagrebacka banka Group, UniCredit Group). In 2011 Pierre was appointed President of the Board of the Croatian Financial Services Supervisory Agency and also represents Croatia in ESMA (European Securities and markets Authority), EIOPA (European Insurance and Occupational Pensions Authority) and ESRB (European Systemic Risk Board). He was also President of the Croatian Association of Mutual Funds Management Companies, Vice-president of the Croatian Association of Mutual Funds Management Companies and a member of the Working Group for the Chapter Financial services within the negotiations process for the accession of the Republic of Croatia to the European Union as well as a member of various working groups related to the adoption of capital markets and investment fund regulation in line with EU Directives. |
Mark Mobius, PH.D. Executive Chairman, Templeton Emerging Markets Group Mark Mobius, Ph.D., executive chairman of Templeton Emerging Markets Group, has spent more than 40 years working in emerging markets all over the world. He joined Franklin Templeton in 1987 as president of the Templeton Emerging Markets Fund, Inc. He is the author of the following books: Trading with China, The Investor's Guide to Emerging Markets, Mobius on Emerging Markets, Passport to Profits, Equities - An Introduction to the Core Concepts, Mutual Funds - An Introduction to the Core Concept, Foreign Exchange - An Introduction to the Core Concepts, Bonds - An Introduction to the Core Concepts, Mark Mobius - An Illustrated Biography and The Little Book of Emerging Markets. Dr. Mobius was named by Asiamoney magazine in 2006 as one of their "Top 100 Most Powerful and Influential People." Asiamoney said, he "...boasts one of the highest profiles of any investor in the region and is regarded by many in the financial industry as one of the most successful emerging markets investors over the last 20 years. Despite tough times during the financial crisis nine years ago, he still commands a strong following in the investment world and is influencing the direction of billions of investment dollars." Other awards include: (1) "50 Most Influential People" by Bloomberg Markets Magazine in 2011, (2) "2010 Africa Investor Index Series Awards" by African Investor, (3) "Emerging Markets Equity Manager of the Year 2001" by International Money Marketing, (4) "Ten Top Money Managers of the 20th Century" in a survey by the Carson Group in 1999, (5) "Number One Global Emerging Market Fund" in the 1998 Reuters Survey, (6) "1994 First in Business Money Manager of the Year" by CNBC, (7) "Closed-End Fund Manager of the Year" in 1993 by Morningstar and, (8) "Investment Trust Manager of the Year 1992" by Sunday Telegraph. He is a member of the Economic Advisory Board of the International Finance Corporation (IFC), which is a member of the World Bank Group. Dr. Mobius earned bachelor's and master's degrees from Boston University, and a Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) in economics and political science from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. |
Valentina Otmačić Head of UNICEF Office for Croatia Valentina Otmačić has been the Head of the UNICEF team in Croatia since 2014. Prior to assuming the duties of Head of the UNICEF Office for Croatia, she was active in the field of human rights education, and worked with children, youth and adults in Sisak-Moslavina County as part of the Human Rights Friendly Schools project She began her rich international career in the promotion and protection of human rights in Mostar (Bosnia and Herzegovina) in 1996 at the Organisation for Security and Co-operation (OSCE). Ms Otmačić then joined the United Nations Refugee Agency (UNHCR) in Tanzania, where she coordinated field activities at the Lukole refugee camp that held more than 130,000 refugees from Burundi and Rwanda. Ms Otmačić continued her work on the promotion and realisation of the rights of refugees in 2002 in Burundi, where she coordinated activities related to the return and reintegration of refugees from that country. She worked on projects for children and youth in Lebanon from 2004 to 2007. It was during this period that she wrote the handbook Conflict as a Challenge: Enhancing Children’s Capacities of Constructive Conflict Transformation. Today the handbook is used for teacher training in Lebanese schools. She gained additional experience of running complex projects whilst in Columbia where from 2008 to 2009 she managed the EU-funded project Regional Network for Development and Social Cohesion – Instruments and Activities for Social Integration of Communities affected by Violence in the region of Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta. After Master degrees in Peace, Conflict Studies and Human rights at the Universities of Barcelona and Granada, Ms Otmačić is currently preparing her Ph.D. in Peace Studies at the University of Bradford in the United Kingdom. She holds a bachelor’s degree in French and Spanish from the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences of the University of Zagreb and is fluent in English. |
Gerhard Schwarz Head of Equity & Cross Asset Strategy, Baader Bank. Gerhard joined Baader Bank in 2011 after Baader Bank decided to ramp up its investment banking and institutional client business significantly. Prior to that role, he was in charge of the Equity Strategy team at HVB/UniCredit for 13 years. His focus is on top down drivers for global and European equity markets, valuation & market timing models, cross asset class interconnections and Alpha strategies. In this context, he is responsible for selecting the top stock picks from Germany, Austria and Switzerland which is the regional core focus of Baader Bank’s Equity Research team. On top, he regularly makes recommendations how to use ETFs in order to position for his views on macro drivers and financial markets in a cross asset framework. Gerhard already specialized on financial markets, portfolio theory and quant techniques when graduating in business administration at Augsburg University. He passed the CEFA exam in 1995. His total experience in sell-side financial markets research amounts to 23 years. |
Kai Steverding Institutional Trader at Flow Traders B.V. Kai Steverding works as an Institutional Trader at Flow Traders B.V., a leading global technology-enabled liquidity provider specialised in Exchange Traded Products. After graduating from IUBH School of Business and Management, Kai started his career in the Structured Products division at Leonteq Securities in Zurich where he worked in Public Distribution and on the German market entry. Having pursued a path in various Electronic and Portfolio Sales Trading Roles at Nomura International and Instinet Europe in London and Frankfurt afterwards, Kai joined Flow Traders in 2016. Based in Amsterdam, Kai is responsible for the development and coverage of the institutional counterparty base in Eastern Europe. Flow Traders is one of the largest ETF market makers in the World. More than 115 traders pride themselves with providing liquidity and highly competitive markets in more than 5000 ETFs globally, covering ETFs from all major issuers, listed on all relevant exchanges and of all asset classes. |
Boris Vujčić, Guverner Hrvatske narodne banke Prof. dr. sc. Boris Vujčić rođen je 2. lipnja 1964. u Zagrebu. Diplomirao je 1988. godine na Ekonomskom fakultetu u Zagrebu, gdje je i doktorirao 1996. godine. Od 1989. do 1997. godine bio je asistent na Ekonomskom fakultetu u Zagrebu, kada je stekao znanstveno zvanje docenta. Kao dobitnik Fulbrightove stipendije 1994./1995. godine pohađao je doktorski studij na Odsjeku za ekonomiju Michigan State University u SAD-u. Od prosinca 1996. godine do imenovanja za zamjenika guvernera HNB-a radi kao direktor Direkcije za istraživanja HNB-a. Boris Vujčić imenovan je zamjenikom guvernera Hrvatske narodne banke 15. srpnja 2000. odlukom Zastupničkog doma Hrvatskoga sabora. Odlukom Hrvatskog sabora od 13. srpnja 2006. povjeren mu je još jedan šestogodišnji mandat na funkciji zamjenika guvernera. Od 2005. bio je i zamjenik glavnog pregovarača u pregovorima RH s EU-om. Boris Vujčić je izvanredni profesor na Ekonomskom fakultetu u Zagrebu od 2003. godine, a od 2004. predaje kao vanjski suradnik - izvanredni profesor na Prirodoslovno-matematičkom fakultetu u Zagrebu. Njegova su područja specijalizacije i izvođenja nastave monetarna analiza, ekonomija rada i međunarodne financije. Autor je niza znanstvenih i stručnih radova. Odlukom Hrvatskog sabora prof. dr. Boris Vujčić preuzeo je dužnost guvernera Hrvatske narodne banke 8. srpnja 2012. |
Zrinka Živković Matijević Zrinka Živković Matijević diplomirala je i magistrirala na Ekonomskom fakultetu Sveučilišta u Zagrebu. Karijeru je započela u Ministarstvu za europske integracije, u Upravi za strategiju integriranja gdje radi do konca 2003. godine. Nakon toga, zapošljava se u Ministarstvu financija, u Upravi za financijski sustav, a odgovorna je za područje tržišta kapitala i analize te područje europskih integracija. U Raiffeisen Consulting dolazi 2004. godine na poziciju ekonomske analitičarke u Direkciju za ekonomska istraživanja. U 2009. postaje Direktorica ekonomskih istraživanja u Raiffeisenbank Austria d.d. (RBA). Tim koji predvodi Zrinka Živković Matijević, Glavna ekonomistica RBA, bavi se makroekonomskim i financijskim istraživanjima za interne potrebe članica Raiffeisen grupe te vanjskih korisnika. Dodatno usavršavanje Živković Matijević je realizirala pohađajući brojne konferencije i seminare s područja gospodarskog sustava Europske Unije, poduzetništva u tranziciji, izravnih stranih investicija i slično. Pored toga, aktivno je sudjelovala na realizaciji nekoliko projekata, a objavljuje i znanstvene radove u zbornicima skupova s međunarodnim recenzijama, časopisima te knjigama. |